Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Sometimes We Win, Sometimes We Lose

What you learn from your loss can bring victory!

Dr. John C. Maxwell believes that the greatest lessons we learn in life are from our losses.  Everyone experiences loss, but not everyone learns from it.

In his book "Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn", Dr. John C. Maxwell explores the most common lessons we learn when we experience loss.

He then explains how to turn a set-back into a step forward by examining the 11 elements that make up the DNA of those who learn:

01. Humility                 - The Spirit of Learning
02. Reality                          - The Foundation of Learning
03. Responsibility        - The First Step of Learning
04. Improvement               - The Focus of Learning
05. Hope                       - The Motivation of Learning
06. Teachability                 - The Pathway of Learning
07. Adversity                - The Catalyst of Learning
08. Problems                       - The Opportunities of Learning
09. Bad Experiences    - The Perspective for Learning
10. Change                           - The Price of Learning
11. Maturity                  - The Value of Learning

Learning is not easy during down times; it takes discipline to do the right thing when everything is wrong.  This book provides a road map to doing just that.

As Dr. John C. Maxwell often points out 
– experience isn't the best teacher;
evaluated experience is.

"Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn"
Author John C. Maxwell’s latest book
helps readers learn from—and even embrace—losses.
Emily J. Mitchell  |  October 19, 2013

Out this month, Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn: Life's Greatest Lessons Are Gained from Our Losses by John C. Maxwell helps readers “learn how to learn”—from losses, failures, mistakes, challenges and bad experiences.

“I want you to become a continual winner by being a habitual learner,” Maxwell says. He quotes political theorist Benjamin Barber: “The question to ask is not whether you are a success or a failure, but whether you are a learner or a non-learner.”

Maxwell finds that, in America especially, instead of a “sometimes you win, sometimes you learn” attitude, people approach mistakes with a “sometimes you win, sometimes you lose” attitude. But the latter view results in more harm than growth, he says.

Maxwell gives the 11 traps that people tend to fall into when losses happen in their lives:

01. The Mistake Trap: “I’m afraid of doing something wrong.”  — Losses hold us back!

02. The Fatigue Trap: “I’m tired today.”  — Losses wear us out.

03. The Comparison Trap: “Someone else is better qualified than I am.”  — Losses cause us to feel inferior to others.

04. The Timing Trap: “This isn’t the right time.”  — Losses make us hesitate.

05. The Inspiration Trap: “I don’t feel like doing it right now.”  — Losses demotivate us.

06. The Rationalization Trap: “Maybe it’s really not that important.”  — Losses allow us to lose perspective.

07. The Perfection Trap: “There’s a best way to do it and I have to find it before I start.”  — Losses cause us to question ourselves.

08. The Expectation Trap: “I thought it would be easy, but it isn’t.”  — Losses highlight the difficulties.

09. The Fairness Trap: “I shouldn’t be the one to have to do this.”  — Losses cause us to ask, “Why me?”

10. The Public Opinion Trap: “If I fail, what will others think?”  — Losses paralyze us.

11. The Self-Image Trap: “If I fail at this, it means I am a failure.”  — Losses negatively affect how we see ourselves.

Maxwell describes solutions to these traps, and encourages his readers to continue learning, from both wins and losses. His book offers 13 chapters on how to learn in different circumstances and adopt a learning perspective.